Spaceform news
Its all a mess... but a beautiful one
Mar 27, 2019
Today at my yoga class the last part of this beautiful extract was read out and it really touched me. I looked up where it came from and felt like sharing it with you. Yesterday I had one of those days that felt sabotaged and even though my evening was wonderful, somehow I must have slept holding on to the annoyances of my day. This was just what I needed to make that mental shift and step out of my anxiety and turn my face peacefully to the sun.
The Hottest Dating Trends In 2019
Mar 23, 2019
"Did you know that every 1 of 5 relationships today started online? This is a testament to how new dating trends have impacted people's perception of romance..." Read more about todays dating trends by Katlyn Eriksen...
Upcycled Mirrors
Jan 26, 2019
Sometimes we look at pieces in our collection that we previously, perhaps even flippantly decided to stop promoting in the collection and start focusing on something new. There are several ways we can manage these pieces, the most obvious is to throw them away or perhaps even sell them to some far away discount store and move on...
How we live
Apr 05, 2018
Christina writes thoughts on the intention of our work and her passion to encourage deeper connectivity and engagement in people's every day life.